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Communication Lectures

Use Forms/Polls in MS Teams

Last updated on October 19, 2021

In MS Teams, one activity you can introduce in your class to increase student engagement is a poll. As of yet, MSU Denver does not have the ability to plan and create polls ahead of time to then launch on the main video screen. We do have the ability to create polls within the chat function of Teams, enabling students to see the results of the poll live. This tutorial will walk you through the process of creating a question for your students and sending that question to them in the chat room as a poll. 


  1. Launch the Microsoft Teams Application on your computer. 
    • If you don’t know where your Teams Application is, search your computer for “Microsoft Teams.”
      • For a PC:
        1. Type Microsoft Teams in the search bar at the bottom left of your desktop. 
        2. Open Microsoft Teams.
      • For a Mac:
        1. Click on Search, a magnifying glass icon in the top right of your desktop. Type Microsoft Teams in the search bar.
        2. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Start Teams meeting.
  3. Click on the Chat button from within the Teams meeting.
  4. Click on the Forms icon. If the Forms icon is not available, move to Part 2 of this tutorial. If the Forms icon is visible, skip to Part 3.

Part 2: Add Forms App

  1. Click on the More Options Menu (three dots) under the window that says Type a New Message.
  2. Type Forms in the Find an App popup window.
  3. Click Forms.

Part 3: Use Polls/Forms

  1. Click on the Forms icon under the window that says Type a New Message.
  2. Type your Poll Question in the box that says Question.
  3. Type your Answer Options in the text boxes labeled options. 
  4. Click Add Options to add multiple answer possibilities.
  5. Click Multiple Answers if you want students to be able to select more than one option in the poll.
  6. Select Share Results Automatically if you want students to see the poll results after voting.
  7. Select Keep Responses Anonymous if you prefer that students not see the poll results.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Send after you have approved the preview to post the poll in the chat room for students to participate.