Canvas Tools

Use HTML to Edit Content in Canvas

Last updated on May 23, 2024

While the Rich Content Editor is a quick and easy way to edit content in Canvas, you have the option to edit the content using HTML, as well. To do so, follow the steps below.


  1. Go to MSU Denver’s Faculty and Staff Hub.
  2. Click Canvas in the Teaching & Learning section.
  3. Log in to your Canvas Account.
  4. Select the Course you’d like to work in.
  5. Locate the Item you want to edit (Page, Assignment, Discussion, etc.).
  6. Click the Title of the item.
  7. Click Edit in the top right corner of the page.
  8. Click the </> Button near the bottom right of the Rich Content Editor to open the HTML view.
  9. Edit the HTML.
  10. Click Save.