
How are New and Classic Quizzes Different?

Last updated on May 6, 2024

Please note: Classic Quizzes will be discontinued in July 2024. However, they can be migrated to New Quizzes at any time, so please do not feel compelled to use New Quizzes simply because of this deadline.

  1. Quiz Features
    1. New Quizzes
      1. Use additional question types: categorization, ordering, stimulus/passage, hot spot
      2. Search content within an item bank
      3. Easy management of student accommodations
    2. Classic Quizzes
      1. Use the Rich Content Editor to record audio and video; check accessibility; integrate third-party apps and LTI tools, such as YuJa; insert media iframes; edit HTML; and more!
      2. Create a survey
      3. Bookmark question banks
  2. Settings & Workflow
    1. New Quizzes
      1. Duplicate quiz from “Quizzes” page
      2. Import content into individual quiz
      3. Require waiting period between quiz attempts
      4. Shuffle questions and answers per question
    2. Classic Quizzes
      1. Integrate third-party apps
      2. Enable designer and observer roles
  3. Grading & Reports
    1. New Quizzes
      1. Give an individual student extra time on all quizzes for the entire course
      2. Access quintile performance reports
    2. Classic Quizzes
      1. Grade one question at a time in Speedgrader
      2. Access Student Analysis reports as a CSV file
      3. Access quizzes using API
  4. Major Limitations
    1. New Quizzes
      1. Limited Rich Content Editor functionality
      2. Limited ability to integrate third-party apps and LTI tools
      3. No accessibility checker
      4. Reports may take up to 24 hours to generate
      5. Not all planned features are currently available; updates will continue to roll out through July 2022
    2. Classic Quizzes
      1. Fewer question types
      2. Workflow limitations, such as no built-in duplication feature
      3. You can migrate from Classic to New quizzes, but not from New to Classic quizzes