
How do I move my Blackboard course over to Canvas?

Last updated on June 30, 2022

Previous Blackboard content was migrated into Canvas by K16 Solutions in 2020. Before requesting a Blackboard archive, check to see if the course is located within Canvas:

  1. Select Courses in the blue, left-hand side Canvas menu.
  2. Select All Courses from the bottom of the Courses menu.
  3. Courses migrated from Blackboard will start with “K16” and then include the name of the course that was imported. 
  4. If you are able to find the K16-migrated course, view our Copy a Canvas Course into the New Semester guide for instruction on copying into your standard course shell.

If you are unable to locate a K16-migrated course, please complete the Blackboard Archive File Request Ticket from ITS to receive a .zip file for the course.

Once you have recovered the archived course, you can import into your current Canvas shell. To do so:

  1. Go to the Home Page of the course shell you would like to import into.
  2. Click Import Existing Content in the right-hand menu.
  3. Select Blackboard 6/7/8/9 export .zip file from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click Choose File.
  5. Find the Export File saved on your computer.
  6. Click the checkbox for All Content.
  7. Click Import.

If you are experiencing any difficulties in transferring the archived Blackboard course over to Canvas, please visit our Virtual Drop-in Support (10am-3pm, Mon-Fri) for assistance.