Discussions Grading

Grade Discussions in Canvas

Instructors can use the SpeedGrader feature to easily grade individual discussion submissions within Canvas. These grades automatically populate the gradebook. Using SpeedGrader for discussion posts can save you time, keep you organized, and help you provide useful feedback to your students. Note: Make sure that you checked the Graded setting when creating your discussion. See the […]

Assignments Grading

Create a Rubric in Canvas

Rubrics provide a set of criteria to evaluate student performance. When they are used in Canvas, they provide students with direction and clarity. When integrated with SpeedGrader, rubrics also allow you to provide quick and easy feedback for your students. Note: To attach the rubric to an assignment, refer to the “Attach a Rubric to an […]

Assignments Grading

Attach a Rubric to an Assignment

You can add a rubric to an assignment or discussion to help students understand your expectations and how you intend to score their submissions. Rubrics also integrate into SpeedGrader, making grading quick and efficient! Once your rubric is attached to an assignment, refer to the Grade with a Rubric tutorial to use your your rubric […]