Tools: MS Teams After spending much of the pandemic teaching with some mix of online/hybrid/face-to-face, you’ve likely noticed some marked differences between teaching online and teaching in person. There are benefits to each, but they are also different experiences with different challenges. You may have even felt as though online synchronous courses might be more […]
Tag: missing
Tools: New and Classic Quizzes During your time as an instructor, you have likely had students ask for extra time or multiple attempts to complete a quiz. Some students may provide an official letter from the Access Center stating their legally required accommodations. When a student does not have an official Access Center letter, it […]
Late Policies
Tools: Gradebook Students missing deadlines is an inescapable part of the classroom experience, whether in-person or virtual. You probably communicate your late work policies clearly in your syllabus, but it’s also important to ensure that those rules are formally implemented in Canvas as well. By correctly using Canvas’ Late Policies, you can have it make […]