Canvas Tools Communication Grading

Use the Gradebook Option, “Message Students Who…”

When you’re grading, it can be helpful to send a quick message to a specific group of students. For example, you may want to send a reminder to all students who have not yet submitted an assignment, or maybe you want to send a message to students who received a certain grade or lower to […]

Canvas Spotlight

Using SpeedGrader Comment Library

Tools: SpeedGrader Library Occasionally, you might find yourself repeating the same feedback again and again when reviewing multiple students’ submissions for an assignment. Canvas has recently launched a Comment Library in SpeedGrader to help with this problem. You can now add frequently used comments into the SpeedGrader Library and then insert them into the grading […]


Use SpeedGrader Comment Library

If you have comments that you find yourself using repeatedly while grading, you can save those comments in SpeedGrader’s Comment Library instead of retyping the same comment over and over. The SpeedGrader Comment Library enables you to add frequently used comments to an assignment easily. The comment library does have some limitations. When you add […]

Canvas Spotlight

Converting Paper Tests to Canvas Quizzes

Tools: Canvas Quizzes Many instructors new to teaching online count on the assessments traditionally used in a face-to-face course. That could mean uploading or sending tests as a Word document or PDF to students. Students would then need to download that document, complete the assessment, and then reupload it with their answers, which the instructor […]

Canvas Spotlight

Set Up Assignment Submissions

Tools: Assignments The Submission Type setting has a significant impact on how students interact with and submit a Canvas assignment. The No Submission and On Paper options create a column in the gradebook but do not allow students to submit a file to the Canvas assignment. This is a great way to grade assignments that […]

Grading Timely Tutorials

Drop Low and High Grades

One of the many customizations you can make to Canvas is to set an assignment group to drop either the lowest score or highest score for each student. You can set rules to assignment groups (Assignments, Quizzes, etc.) in Canvas regarding how many low or high grades to drop or which assignments should never be […]

Grading Timely Tutorials

Set a Late or Missing Assignment Policy for Grades in Canvas

Every instructor addresses late student submissions differently. You can use Canvas’ Gradebook to set your preferred late policy that applies to every student and every assignment in your course. You can also set Gradebook to assign a zero grade to assignments that are not submitted. Directions


Grade with a Rubric

Rubrics produce a set of criteria to evaluate student performance. When they are used in Canvas, they provide students with direction and clarity. When integrated with SpeedGrader, rubrics enable you to provide quick and easy feedback and assessments to your students. Note: These instructions assume that a rubric has already been created and assigned to the […]

Grading Quizzes/Tests

Use SpeedGrader to Grade Quizzes

SpeedGrader can be used for any graded item in your course, including quizzes! You can use the SpeedGrader to easily see each student’s submission and adjust points or add feedback. It is especially useful in grading essay questions and adding extra credit points. The tutorial below provides a walkthrough of using this feature to grade […]


Export and Import the Gradebook

The Gradebook within Canvas can be exported as a spreadsheet. You can modify that spreadsheet in a program like Microsoft Excel and then import it back into Canvas to make changes to the gradebook. You can save the export for your own records or use the spreadsheet to create an email list for your course […]