Generative AI Resources

Copilot Example Showcase

Last updated on April 4, 2024

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Research Assistant

This demonstration covers how Copilot can be used in academic research. Please bear in mind that GenAI of all kinds is vulnerable to factual errors. They can still be useful when first exploring a new topic as a way to inform a more traditional research process.

Click the + button below to view a transcript of the prompts and responses generated by Copilot.

Transcript of Prompts and Responses

Show me research on generative AI in education.

Certainly! Here are some research articles related to Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) in education: 

  1. Advancing the Generative AI in Education Research Agenda: Insights from the Asia-Pacific Region: 
    • This article explores the evolving role of generative AI in education, offering insights from scholars in the Asia-Pacific region. It discusses themes like human-AI collaborative learning ecosystems and the profound shifts occurring in educational practices driven by the symbiotic relationship between human intellect and artificial intelligence. 
  2. Generative AI in Education and Research: Opportunities, Concerns, and Implications: 
    • This paper examines critical aspects of implementing AI in education, ethical considerations, and the attribution of credit for AI-driven discoveries. It also discusses equity and accessibility concerns related to using AI-generated content in professional activities. 
  3. Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education and Its Implications for Assessment: 
    • This research recapitulates the use of AI in education and explores potential opportunities and challenges of employing generative AI for educational assessment, with a focus on systems thinking3
  4. Exploring the Impacts of Generative AI on the Future of Teaching and Learning: 
    • Researchers from OpenAI, Khan Academy, and other experts discuss the impacts of generative AI, including ChatGPT, on education. The discussion covers implications for teaching and learning. 
  5. UNESCO’s Global Guidance on Generative AI in Education: 
    • UNESCO has released global guidance on Generative AI in education to support countries in implementing immediate actions, planning long-term policies, and developing human capacity. The guidance aims for a human-centered vision of these new technologies. 

What are some of the benefits and drawbacks?

Certainly! Let’s explore some of the benefits and drawbacks of using generative artificial intelligence (AI) in education:


  • Personalization: 
    • Generative AI can adapt to individual student needs, providing personalized learning experiences. It can tailor content, pace, and difficulty level based on student performance and preferences. 
  • Automated Grading and Feedback: 
    • AI algorithms can automatically grade assignments, quizzes, and exams, saving educators time. They can also provide detailed feedback to students, helping them improve. 
  • Content Creation
    • Generative AI can create educational content, such as lesson plans, quizzes, and study materials. This can enhance resource availability and reduce the burden on teachers. 
  • 24/7 Availability: 
    • AI-powered chatbots and virtual tutors can be available round the clock to answer student queries, provide explanations, and offer guidance. 
  • Data-Driven Insights: 
    • AI can analyze student data to identify learning patterns, predict performance, and recommend interventions. Educators can make informed decisions based on these insights. 


  • Bias and Fairness: 
    • AI models may inherit biases from training data, leading to unfair or discriminatory outcomes. Ensuring fairness and addressing bias is crucial. 
  • Lack of Human Interaction: 
    • While AI can provide information, it lacks the empathy and nuanced understanding that human educators offer. Social and emotional learning may suffer. 
  • Ethical Concerns: 
    • Privacy issues arise when AI collects and analyzes student data. Safeguarding sensitive information is essential. 
  • Overreliance on Technology: 
    • Relying too heavily on AI may reduce critical thinking skills and creativity. Students need a balance between technology and human interaction. 
  • Loss of Jobs: 
    • As AI automates tasks, there may be job displacement for educators and support staff. Reskilling and adapting to new roles become necessary. 

In summary, while generative AI holds immense potential for enhancing education, it must be used thoughtfully, ethically, and in conjunction with human expertise.

Show me research into the drawbacks of using GenAI in education.

Show me research into the drawbacks of using GenAI in education.

Certainly! Let’s delve into some of the drawbacks associated with using Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in education: 

  • Risk of Cheating: 
    • GenAI tools can potentially be misused by students for academic dishonesty. They might use AI-generated content to plagiarize or produce answers without understanding the material.
  • Quality and Accuracy: 
    • The quality and accuracy of AI-generated content can vary. There’s a risk that incorrect or misleading information may be produced, affecting student learning outcomes.
  • Lack of Human Interaction: 
    • GenAI lacks the empathy and nuanced understanding that human educators provide. Social and emotional learning may suffer when interactions are solely with AI systems. 
  • Ethical Concerns
    • Privacy issues arise when AI collects and analyzes student data. Safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring ethical use of AI are critical. 
  • Overreliance on Technology: 
    • Relying too heavily on AI may reduce critical thinking skills and creativity. Students need a balance between technology and human interaction. 
  • Equity and Accessibility: 
    • Unequal access to GenAI tools can exacerbate disparities in academic performance. Ensuring equitable distribution and training for all students is essential. 
  • Job Displacement: 
    • As AI automates tasks, there may be job displacement for educators and support staff. Reskilling and adapting to new roles become necessary.
  • Bias and Fairness: 
    • AI models may inherit biases from training data, leading to unfair or discriminatory outcomes. Ensuring fairness and addressing bias is crucial.
  • Loss of Teacher Authority: 
    • Overreliance on GenAI might undermine the authority and status of teachers, potentially leading to teacher-less schools and reduced human interaction. 
  • Complex Implementation:
    • Integrating GenAI into educational practices requires careful planning, training, and ongoing support. It’s not a straightforward process.

In summary, while GenAI offers significant benefits, educators and policymakers must navigate these drawbacks thoughtfully to ensure a balanced and effective educational environment.

Content Generation

This demonstration covers how Copilot can be used to create content, in this case, an assignment prompt. You can use Copilot’s product as a starting point to modify or progressively modify the prompt to refine it.

Transcript of Prompts and Responses

Generate an assignment measuring the following learning objective: Students will be able to describe the potential benefits and drawbacks of using generative AI in education.

  1. Introduction (5 points)
    • Briefly explain what generative AI is.
    • Set the context for its application in education.
  2. Benefits (10 points)
    • Discuss at least three potential benefits of using generative AI in education.
      • Personalized learning experiences: Generative AI can adapt content to individual student needs, providing tailored learning paths.
      • Automated content creation: It can generate quizzes, exercises, and study materials, saving educators time.
      • Enhanced creativity: Students can explore new ideas through AI-generated content.
  3. Drawbacks (10 points)
    • Identify and elaborate on at least three drawbacks or challenges associated with generative AI in education.
      • Bias: AI models may perpetuate existing biases present in training data.
      • Quality control: Ensuring accurate and relevant content from AI-generated materials can be challenging.
      • Lack of human touch: Generative AI lacks empathy and personal interaction.
  4. Conclusion (5 points)
    • Summarize the overall impact of generative AI on education.
    • Reflect on its potential future developments.

Grading Rubric:

  • Content (20 points):
    • Clear explanation of generative AI.
    • Comprehensive discussion of benefits and drawbacks.
    • Thoughtful conclusion.
  • Organization and Clarity (10 points):
    • Logical flow of ideas.
    • Well-structured paragraphs.
    • Proper grammar and spelling.
  • Creativity (5 points):
    • Original insights beyond basic definitions.
    • Thought-provoking analysis.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submit your assignment as a typed document (PDF or Word).
  • Include your name, course title, and date.
  • Submit by the specified deadline.

Remember to critically evaluate both the advantages and challenges of generative AI in education. Good luck!

Generate an assignment measuring the following learning objective: Students will be able to describe the potential benefits and drawbacks of using generative AI in education.

Create a rubric using the evaluation criteria.

Learning Objective

Students will be able to describe the potential benefits and drawbacks of using generative AI in education.

Task Description

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has gained prominence in various fields, including education. In this assignment, you will explore the implications of using generative AI in educational settings. Your task is to write an essay that discusses both the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating generative AI tools in the classroom.

  1. Research: Begin by researching generative AI and its applications in education. Understand how it works and the types of tasks it can perform.
  2. Benefits (Pros):
    • Personalization: Discuss how generative AI can personalize learning experiences for students by adapting content to their individual needs.
    • Automated Grading: Explore how AI can streamline grading processes, providing faster feedback to students.
    • Creativity Enhancement: Explain how generative AI tools can inspire creativity and assist in generating novel ideas.
  3. Drawbacks (Cons):
    • Bias and Fairness: Address the potential biases embedded in AI algorithms and their impact on educational outcomes.
    • Overreliance: Discuss the risk of overreliance on AI, which may hinder critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
    • Ethical Concerns: Consider ethical dilemmas related to data privacy, surveillance, and student autonomy.
  4. Conclusion: Summarize your findings and provide recommendations for educators and policymakers regarding the responsible use of generative AI in education.
Evaluation Criteria (Rubric)
CriteriaExcellent (5)Good (4)Satisfactory (3)Needs Improvement (2)Inadequate (1)
ContentComprehensive analysis of benefits and drawbacks. Clear understanding of generative AI concepts.Adequate discussion of benefits and drawbacks. Some understanding of generative AI.Superficial treatment of benefits and drawbacks. Limited understanding of generative AI.Major gaps in addressing benefits and drawbacks.No relevant content.
OrganizationWell-structured essay with clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Smooth transitions.Mostly organized essay with some minor issues in structure or flow.Basic organization, but lacks coherence in some sections.Disjointed or poorly organized.Lack of structure.
Clarity and StyleClear and concise writing. Effective use of language.Generally clear writing, with occasional awkward phrasing.Some clarity issues. Language needs improvement.Unclear or confusing sentences. Frequent language errors.Incomprehensible writing.
Critical ThinkingThoughtful analysis and critical evaluation of generative AI’s impact on education.Reasonable critical thinking, but lacks depth or original insights.Limited critical analysis.Superficial or missing critical examination.No critical thinking evident.

Remember to cite any sources you use in your essay. Good luck!

Generate an assignment measuring the following learning objective: Students will be able to discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of using generative AI in education.

Create a rubric using the evaluation criteria.

Assignment: Generative AI in Education

Learning Objective

Students will be able to discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of using generative AI in education.

Task Description

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has gained prominence in various fields, including education. In this assignment, you will explore the implications of using generative AI in educational settings. Your task is to write an essay that discusses both the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating generative AI tools in the classroom.

  1. Research: Begin by researching generative AI and its applications in education. Understand how it works and the types of tasks it can perform.
  2. Benefits (Pros):
    • Personalization: Discuss how generative AI can personalize learning experiences for students by adapting content to their individual needs.
    • Automated Grading: Explore how AI can streamline grading processes, providing faster feedback to students.
    • Creativity Enhancement: Explain how generative AI tools can inspire creativity and assist in generating novel ideas.
  3. Drawbacks (Cons):
    • Bias and Fairness: Address the potential biases embedded in AI algorithms and their impact on educational outcomes.
    • Overreliance: Discuss the risk of overreliance on AI, which may hinder critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
    • Ethical Concerns: Consider ethical dilemmas related to data privacy, surveillance, and student autonomy.
  4. Conclusion: Summarize your findings and provide recommendations for educators and policymakers regarding the responsible use of generative AI in education.
Evaluation Criteria (Rubric)
CriteriaExcellent (5)Good (4)Satisfactory (3)Needs Improvement (2)Inadequate (1)
ContentComprehensive analysis of benefits and drawbacks. Clear understanding of generative AI concepts.Adequate discussion of benefits and drawbacks. Some understanding of generative AI.Superficial treatment of benefits and drawbacks. Limited understanding of generative AI.Major gaps in addressing benefits and drawbacks.No relevant content.
OrganizationWell-structured essay with clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Smooth transitions.Mostly organized essay with some minor issues in structure or flow.Basic organization, but lacks coherence in some sections.Disjointed or poorly organized.Lack of structure.
Clarity and StyleClear and concise writing. Effective use of language.Generally clear writing, with occasional awkward phrasing.Some clarity issues. Language needs improvement.Unclear or confusing sentences. Frequent language errors.Incomprehensible writing.
Critical ThinkingThoughtful analysis and critical evaluation of generative AI’s impact on education.Reasonable critical thinking, but lacks depth or original insights.Limited critical analysis.Superficial or missing critical examination.No critical thinking evident.

Remember to cite any sources you use in your essay. Good luck!

Conversation Partner

This demonstration covers how you can use Copilot to discuss ideas for your course. It isn’t a replacement for collaboration with a trusted colleague, but its easy availability makes it well-suited to an impromptu conversation.

Transcript of Prompts and Responses

What are some learning objectives that I can use in my education technology course?

Certainly! When designing learning objectives for your education technology course, consider the following key points:

  1. Understanding ICT (Information and Communication Technology):
    • Provide education on the use of ICT.
    • Encourage higher-level thinking and creativity through ICT.
  2. Instructional Technology Experience:
    • Deliver students a learning experience in instructional technology.
    • Promote computer-based educational resources.
  3. Awareness of Information Technology:
    • Make students aware of Information Technology.
    • Determine the practical use of technology integration.

Remember that well-crafted learning objectives serve as a foundation for your course, aligning content, assessments, and activities to enhance the learning experience for both instructors and students12.

Those objectives aren’t measurable.

I apologize for the oversight. You’re absolutely right! Let’s revise those learning objectives to make them more specific, measurable, and actionable. Here are some improved versions:

  1. Understanding ICT (Information and Communication Technology):
    • Measurable Objective: By the end of the course, students will be able to describe three key components of ICT and explain their relevance in educational contexts.
    • Assessment: Students will complete a written assignment where they identify and discuss these components.
  2. Instructional Technology Experience:
    • Measurable Objective: Students will gain hands-on experience with instructional technology tools.
    • Assessment: Students will create a multimedia presentation using a specific educational software or platform.
  3. Awareness of Information Technology:
    • Measurable Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of information technology by designing a technology-enhanced lesson plan.
    • Assessment: Students will submit a detailed lesson plan that incorporates technology effectively.

Remember, clear and measurable learning objectives help guide both teaching and learning processes. Thank you for pointing out the need for specificity! 🌟

Please include at least two objectives about GenAI.
Sent by you: Please include at least two objectives about GenAI.

Certainly! Let’s incorporate two specific learning objectives related to Generative AI (GenAI) into your education technology course:

  1. Understanding GenAI Fundamentals:
    • Measurable Objective: By the end of the course, students will be able to explain the core concepts of Generative AI, including its underlying principles, applications, and impact on education.
    • Assessment: Students will create a short presentation or write an essay that outlines the fundamental aspects of GenAI and its relevance in educational contexts.
  2. Effective Use of GenAI Tools:
    • Measurable Objective: Students will gain practical skills in using GenAI tools for educational purposes.
    • Assessment: Students will complete a hands-on project where they apply GenAI techniques to enhance a specific learning activity (e.g., creating personalized content, generating interactive quizzes, or designing adaptive learning pathways).

Remember, these objectives should guide your course content and activities, ensuring that students acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to Generative AI in education12. 🌟