Readings/Content - Mobile

Scan Documents with Adobe Scan Mobile App

Last updated on October 19, 2021

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to scan documents and get them into your course, have a look at the Adobe Scan app!


  1. Download the Adobe Scan Digital PDF Scanner app to your mobile device.
    1. Download it from the Google App Store.
    2. Download it from the Apple Store.
  2. Open Adobe PDF Scanner and grant access to your camera and photos. 
  3. Swiping on the Capture Screen will switch between Whiteboard, Form, Document, and Business Card.
    • Note: Form will give you the ability to scan a document and fill it in Adobe Acrobat.
  4. Select your Scan Type and position your camera so the whole document is in the frame. 
    • Note: Adobe PDF Scanner will automatically find the borders of the document and begin scanning (be sure to be as steady as possible to ensure a clear scan). 
    • The next screen will show your document with the automatic borders. You can adjust them in this screen if you want to expand (cropping the image can be done on the Edit Screen). 
  5. Click Continue, if you are satisfied with your borders. This will take you back to the scan screen if you have multiple pages to scan as the same file. 
  6. Click the Blue Thumbnail Image in the bottom right-hand corner (there should be a number representing the number of pages you just scanned) when you are finished scanning. This will take you to the Edit Screen
  7. Rotate, Crop, and Reorder your Pages in the Edit Screen, so your file appears correctly.
  8. Click Save as PDF in the upper right-hand corner when you are finished editing.
  9. Your file is saved under All Scans and Recent Scans. 
    1. If you are on the Capture Screen, click the Home Button in the upper left-hand corner (it looks like a little house). This will take you to your scans. 
    2. From anywhere else in the app, click the More Options Menu (three dots) in the upper right-hand corner and select View All Scans
  10. From the All Scans screen, click the More Options Menu (three dots) at the end of each scan row to open sharing options (i.e. Share Link, Email, Share a Copy).