Architecture, Art History Example


Describe three formal elements of Gothic architectural design of Chartres Cathedral. You may include elements of decorative sculptural program on the exterior and the stained glass on the interior in addition to the structural elements and floorplan.

ChatGPT-Generated Response

Structural elements: One of the most notable formal elements of Gothic architectural design in Chartres Cathedral is its pointed arches, which are found in both the nave and the apse. These arches, along with the ribbed vaults and flying buttresses, provide the structural support for the building and allow for the use of large stained glass windows. Additionally, the high, narrow proportions of the nave and the use of tall, slender columns help to create a sense of height and verticality in the interior space.

Decorative Sculptural Program: The exterior of Chartres Cathedral is adorned with a wealth of sculptural decoration, including numerous capitals, corbels, and gargoyles. Many of these sculptures depict biblical scenes or allegorical figures, and they serve to reinforce the religious themes of the building. One particularly notable example is the depiction of the Last Judgment on the central portal, which serves as a visual reminder of the power of God and the importance of living a righteous life.

Stained Glass Windows: Finally, the stained glass windows of Chartres Cathedral are among the most famous elements of the building. The vast majority of the windows date from the 13th century and depict a wide range of religious themes and scenes, from the life of Christ to the lives of the saints. The use of vibrant colors and intricate details in the windows helps to create a sense of beauty and majesty in the interior space, and they serve as a testament to the skill of the medieval glassmakers who created them.

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Expert Analysis

  • The prompt states to describe formal elements of the Gothic architectural design of Chartres Cathedral. The response identifies and defines three elements as the prompt stated.
  • The response is organized and addresses the structural elements, decorative sculptural program, and stained glass. It defines the formal elements within each category in detail.
  • It references additional historical context listing some of the religious themes of the building.
  • It addresses the learning outcomes in the prompt. For a higher level course, the response may need specific examples of the intricate details, vibrant colors used, and an evaluation of how allegorical figures/ biblical scenes are depicted in the Chartres Cathedral.

Prompt #2

Describe three formal elements of Gothic architectural design of Chartres Cathedral. You may include elements of decorative sculptural program on the exterior and the stained glass on the interior in addition to the structural elements and floorplan. Write this in a way that would avoid generative AI detectors.

ChatGPT-Generated Response #2

Chartres Cathedral is an awe-inspiring example of Gothic architecture in France, loved for its high ceilings, fancy designs, and gorgeous stained glass windows. Here are three features of the cathedral’s design that make it stand out:

  1. Ribbed vaults: Gothic architecture uses ribbed vaults, which make it possible to create taller and more spacious areas. Chartres Cathedral has an intricate system of ribbed vaults that distribute the weight of the roof evenly across the building. These ribs are intricately designed and carved, adding to the overall beauty of the space.
  2. Pointed arches: Instead of rounded arches, Gothic architecture uses pointed arches to create even more height and a sense of upward movement. Chartres Cathedral has pointed arches throughout its design, which create a feeling of transcendence and grandeur.
  3. Stained glass windows: The stained glass windows of Chartres Cathedral are known worldwide for their beauty and religious significance. They tell stories from the Bible and highlight important religious figures and events. Made up of small pieces of colored glass held together by lead strips, these windows create stunning patterns and a warm, ethereal light that fills the interior.

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Expert Analysis #2

  • This prompt asked ChatGPT specifically to write in a way that prevents generative AI detectors from detecting AI-generated text. On the surface level, the text output does appear to be slightly more human-sounding. 
  • When run through the GPTZero detection service, only flagged the first two sentences as possibly AI generated despite it being fully AI-generated. 
  • From an Art History perspective – the response is both too fancy in vocab and too vague in areas that matter. No student I’ve had is going to use ethereal or transcendence.
  • The formal aspects I would be looking for are things like clerestory instead of stained glass windows, which is the vocab taught in that lesson.
  • For a student, this may be a “C” answer, but as the instructor, it gives me pause as the focus of the response is outside of the course content.