Blueprint Canvas Spotlight Canvas Tools Quick Start Canvas Guide Ready Set Go Self-Help Tutorials

Copy a Canvas Course

The start of a new semester can be a stressful time for instructors. Fortunately, there is one major part that is quick and painless: copying forward your Canvas course into a new shell. With just a little preparation, you can copy your course into the new semester; the whole process only takes about 10 minutes! […]

Canvas Spotlight Timely Tutorials

Update Your Course for the New Term

As an instructor preparing your course for a new term, you may find yourself balancing several different tasks at once. Even with existing course content from a previous term, you will still need to customize and make changes to content, due dates, and in some cases, technology, to keep your course relevant for a new […]

Quick Start Canvas Guide

Quick Start Canvas Guide

This Quick Start Canvas Guide is designed to help you prepare your course shell for a new term. Whether you’ve taught the course before or not, the following steps are good best practices for organizing your information and making sure your course is set up exactly the way you need it to be to start […]


How do I share my lead course with other instructors?

Many courses at the university have several sections, taught by several different instructors. Still, we want to create a consistent experience across sections of a course so students all receive a similarly excellent learning experience. There are several ways a department chair or course facilitator can share their lead course, or the relevant content within, […]


How do I copy a Canvas course?

Please see our Copy a Canvas Course spotlight for step-by-step directions for copying your Canvas course.

Canvas Tools Navigating Canvas

Use the Link Validator to Check for and Fix Broken Links

The link validator tool in Canvas is a very helpful feature that will check your course for broken links and provide an easy to use log for finding and fixing links. Directions Fix Broken Links

Canvas Tools

Add Another Instructor in Your Course

Adding another instructor to your course is helpful when you need to collaborate on a course, borrow content from another course, or share resources. This would be a good time to use one of the five sandbox courses you were given as part of your MSU Denver Canvas account. You can easily dedicate one of […]

Canvas Tools

Everything You Need to Know About Sandboxes

A Sandbox is a private, unpublished Canvas course. It is called a “Sandbox” because it is a place for instructors to “play around” by building new things. Instructors can create content and test out settings in a Sandbox course without worrying about accidentally deleting or altering content in their live course. What Can I Do […]