Canvas Spotlight

Improve Student Engagement Using the Rich Content Editor

Creating content and readings for students is a fundamental way to provide information and context for your course. When teaching online, you should ensure the content you provide is engaging and complete for students to go through on their own. In Canvas, there are myriad tools you can use, and one of the most essential […]

New Quizzes

Add Images to Questions in New Quizzes

Adding images to a quiz question can help visually illustrate the concept, activate student knowledge, and improve student engagement. This tutorial describes how to use the Rich Content Editor to add images to your quiz questions. Directions Add Image to New Quiz These instructions are for New Quizzes that have already been created. If you […]


Add Images to Questions in Classic Quizzes

Note: This tutorial is currently being updated. The content is accurate, but the video contains instructions for both Classic and New Quizzes. Adding images to a quiz question can help visually illustrate the concept, activate student knowledge, and improve student engagement. This tutorial describes how to use the Rich Content Editor to add images to […]

Discussions Group Work/Collaboration Ready Set Go

Create a Discussion in Canvas

Canvas provides many opportunities for student interaction and feedback. Among these is a discussion tool that allows students to interact with each other in a forum using the Rich Content Editor. You may then provide feedback or grades to each discussion post. As of an update scheduled for January 18 2025, Canvas supports discussion checkpoints, […]

Communication Lectures Videos

Embed Videos from YuJa

Sometimes the best way to reach your students is with a video from you, their instructor. You can easily embed videos from YuJa anywhere the Rich Content Editor box and toolbar appears in Canvas. There are two ways to approach the embedding of a YuJa video. One begins within YuJa and the other stays entirely […]

Assignments Ready Set Go

Create an Assignment

Canvas Assignments allow you to provide assignment instructions and materials to your students. Also, students can upload digital submissions directly to the Assignment. Instructors are then able to grade the assignment submissions from within Canvas. There are numerous possible assignments you could create. Consider asking students to annotate a reading, complete a virtual lab, record […]


Use the Canvas Accessibility Checker

The Accessibility Checker is a tool within Canvas that can assess the accessibility of content created in the Rich Content Editor. This guide will show you how to use the Accessibility Checker as well as the gaps in the assessment. Directions Using the Accessibility Checker Click the Accessibility Icon below the right corner of the […]

Canvas Tools

Create a PDF or Word Version of a Canvas Page or Syllabus

This tutorial describes how to create a PDF version of a Canvas page and save it to your computer. This process can be used to save and/or print important information from the Syllabus tool or from pages such as the Overview and Course Grading Policy pages. The first method described below is easier, but you […]


Add Alt Text to an Image in Canvas

Please see the Insert Images and Alt Text in the Rich Content Editor tutorial.

Canvas Tools Readings/Content

Copy Information from a File into a Canvas Page

When distributing files to students in a Canvas course, you have several options. The best option in most cases is to simply copy information from the file into a Canvas page. This promotes maximum compatibility with different devices and accessibility software, but may need some additional formatting to display correctly Another benefit is the ability […]