Canvas Spotlight

Use MS Teams Breakout Rooms

Tools: Microsoft Teams Breakout Rooms is a Microsoft Teams feature that allows the meeting organizer to divide participants into multiple smaller groups. Breakout Rooms can be used in recurring meetings and meetings created using the “meet now” button in the calendar. Best practices Let’s walk through it together Update Teams Application Create Breakout Rooms Only […]

Discussions Group Work/Collaboration

Set Up Small Group Discussions

You can use the Canvas Group Discussions feature to create identical discussion topics for different groups in your class. Students will only be able to see posts from other members of their group. Consider using this feature to group students by interest, create a more intimate environment by reducing the discussion group size, or implement […]

Discussions Group Work/Collaboration Ready Set Go

Create a Discussion in Canvas

Canvas provides many opportunities for student interaction and feedback. Among these is a discussion tool that allows students to interact with each other in a forum using the Rich Content Editor. You may then provide feedback or grades to each discussion post. As of an update scheduled for January 18 2025, Canvas supports discussion checkpoints, […]

Canvas Tools Communication

Canvas Messages

You will likely need to be in contact with your students throughout a course. To help facilitate this, Canvas has included a native messaging system that allows you to contact individuals or whole courses within Canvas. This messaging system functions much the same as your MSU Denver email. Directions Navigate Your Inbox Go to MSU Denver’s Faculty […]

Group Work/Collaboration

Create Groups in Canvas

Canvas makes it easy to create small and large groups of students for projects, assignments, discussions and more! Groups can also increase student to student interactivity and engagement in your online course. Directions To Automatically Assign Self Sign-Up To Create Groups and Allow Self Sign-Up To Create Groups Manually without Student Self-Sign Ups

Canvas Spotlight

Use Groups in Canvas

A great way to get peer-to-peer interaction in a course is by grouping up students for collaborative activities. Some of these activities could include projects, assignments, discussions, and peer review (not using the Peer Review feature of an assignment). Regardless of the activity, instructors will need to create groups for their students, which can be […]