Canvas Tools Communication

Canvas Messages

You will likely need to be in contact with your students throughout a course. To help facilitate this, Canvas has included a native messaging system that allows you to contact individuals or whole courses within Canvas. This messaging system functions much the same as your MSU Denver email. Directions Navigate Your Inbox Go to MSU Denver’s Faculty […]

Canvas Tools

Use the Calendar in Canvas

The Calendar feature in Canvas is a great way to view meetings, events, and assignments for every class, all at once. It also allows you to easily move, edit, or add events and assignments from a central location. Directions Change Views in Calendar Within the Calendar, you can change what classes you see, what dates […]

Canvas Tools

Integrate Canvas Calendar Feed into Outlook Calendar

The native calendar tool in Canvas will automatically update with due dates you have created for quizzes, assignments, and discussions. This is a helpful tool for tracking and viewing due dates all in one place. You may, however, prefer to use the Outlook calendar, which automatically updates with all your Teams meetings and event invites […]

Canvas Tools Navigating Canvas

Organize Courses on the Canvas Dashboard

The Dashboard feature in Canvas enables you to view a selection of your courses in one place. Each course card provides a link to the course’s homepage and provides a visual aid to help you view and organize your courses. You have several different ways to control the appearance of your Dashboard, including selecting the […]

Canvas Tools

Customize Notification Settings

You can receive a variety of notifications on Canvas regarding course activities, due dates, submissions, interactions, and appointments. These notifications are entirely customizable by you and can even be sent to different email addresses and as text messages to allow you the communication and reminders that work for you. Directions Go to MSU Denver’s Faculty and Staff […]

Canvas Tools

Manage Your Canvas Profile and Notification Settings

Your Canvas profile lets you choose a profile picture and share a brief biography with your students. Setting up your Canvas profile will help your students get to know you as a person, which increases instructor presence, humanizes your course, and makes your course more engaging. In this tutorial, we’ll add a profile picture, fill […]

Canvas Tools Navigating Canvas

Enable and Disable Items in the Course Navigation Menu

While the MSU Denver Canvas Blueprint automatically determines which sections are visible to students by default, you can choose which navigation options students see in the course navigation menu. This allows you to control how students view and navigate the course, removing unnecessary cognitive load associated with students trying to locate the appropriate sections. Please […]

Canvas Tools Navigating Canvas

View Your Course in Student View

By default, you will be using your Canvas courses from the “instructor view,” which shows some options not available to students, including hidden pages, grading/feedback options, and content editing options. When building a course, you may find it useful or necessary to try using your course as a student would, to help alleviate issues with […]

Canvas Tools Navigating Canvas

Use the Canvas Dashboard

The Dashboard functions as a central hub of Canvas, allowing you to view and make changes to all of your courses. This section allows you to publish/unpublish courses and provides quick links to each of your courses’ announcements, assignments, discussions, and files. For instructors teaching multiple courses, this section will likely be the easiest way […]

Canvas Tools

Change Notifications for Individual Courses

Notifications are messages sent by Canvas to alert you of activity in your courses. You are able to manage notification settings in two ways. One way is to click Account in the global navigation menu and set preferences that affect all of your courses. The other method is to manage notification preferences for individual courses, […]