Canvas Spotlight

Voiceover PowerPoints

Tools: Yuja and PowerPoint PowerPoint has the potential to be a powerful instructional tool for conveying information and teaching content. However, PowerPoints that live on their own without any context are less useful for learning. PowerPoints are most useful as a supplementary tool alongside input and context from the instructor. It would be tough to […]

Communication - Mobile Lectures - Mobile

Share a PowerPoint Lecture in the Teams Mobile App

When you are using MS Teams to conduct synchronous lectures, you may need to share your PowerPoint presentation during the meeting. This is also something you can accomplish using the MS Teams mobile app on your phone or tablet, should the need arise. Directions Start a Microsoft Teams Meeting (if you need help installing the Microsoft […]

Canvas Tools Readings/Content

Copy Information from a File into a Canvas Page

When distributing files to students in a Canvas course, you have several options. The best option in most cases is to simply copy information from the file into a Canvas page. This promotes maximum compatibility with different devices and accessibility software, but may need some additional formatting to display correctly Another benefit is the ability […]