
How do I copy a Canvas course?

Please see our Copy a Canvas Course spotlight for step-by-step directions for copying your Canvas course.


Convert an HTML File to a Page

When a course is imported from Blackboard to Canvas, the content is formatted as HTML files. Converting these HTML files to Canvas Pages increases the functionality and visual appeal of the content. For example, unlike an HTML file, a Page can easily be edited from within Canvas (no downloading and re-uploading necessary), and your content […]

Canvas Tools

Everything You Need to Know About Sandboxes

A Sandbox is a private, unpublished Canvas course. It is called a “Sandbox” because it is a place for instructors to “play around” by building new things. Instructors can create content and test out settings in a Sandbox course without worrying about accidentally deleting or altering content in their live course. What Can I Do […]

Assignments Canvas Tools

Import SCORM Files as Assignments into Canvas

A SCORM file is a .zip file of content that a publisher may provide for classroom use or that has been developed outside of Canvas. The following tutorial explains how to import SCORM files directly into Canvas as assignments. Before starting the steps below, you must first download the SCORM .zip files from the publisher […]