Canvas Spotlight

Using Sandboxes

When creating or editing a course, having an unpublished location to test out various tools and settings without fear of altering or deleting content in a live course is beneficial. This location is known as a Sandbox as it is a “playground” for content creation. In addition, Sandboxes can also serve as a backup location […]


Use a Sandbox to Finalize Incomplete Grade

One method you can use to work with a student to finish their incomplete grade is to add the student to a Canvas sandbox course to complete their work. This method reduces the risk presented by giving other students access to the course, while still providing the course content to the student completing their grade. […]

Canvas Tools

Add Another Instructor in Your Course

Adding another instructor to your course is helpful when you need to collaborate on a course, borrow content from another course, or share resources. This would be a good time to use one of the five sandbox courses you were given as part of your MSU Denver Canvas account. You can easily dedicate one of […]

Canvas Tools

Everything You Need to Know About Sandboxes

A Sandbox is a private, unpublished Canvas course. It is called a “Sandbox” because it is a place for instructors to “play around” by building new things. Instructors can create content and test out settings in a Sandbox course without worrying about accidentally deleting or altering content in their live course. What Can I Do […]