Course Showcase

Course Showcase Archive

Below is an archive of all of our Course Showcases. They are ordered by date of publication.


How do I join a CTLD course development cycle?

The CTLD Instructional Design Group is here to work collaboratively with you to design a new online course, whether synchronous, asynchronous, hybrid, or hyflex! As a participant in one of our course development cycles, we will help you with a wide variety of design processes, including alignment and content support, Open Educational Resource (OER) sourcing […]

Canvas Spotlight

MSU Denver Canvas Blueprint

A blank page is always a little daunting. Where to start, what to say?  One way to overcome this kind of writer’s block is an outline of what you want to write. You can apply that same idea to your Canvas course. The MSU Denver Canvas Blueprint provides that structure for you. Packaged in every […]

Canvas Spotlight Course Showcase

Course Showcase – MUS 1010: Essential Music Theory Skills

Courses that rely on the demonstration of skills can often feel like a difficult task to bring to the online environment. Through visual media, it is possible to bring both your subject, and you, to life for your online students. In this exemplary course, we’ll look at the recent work of Dr. Jeffrey McCray who […]

Blueprint Canvas Spotlight Canvas Tools Quick Start Canvas Guide Ready Set Go Self-Help Tutorials

Copy a Canvas Course

The start of a new semester can be a stressful time for instructors. Fortunately, there is one major part that is quick and painless: copying forward your Canvas course into a new shell. With just a little preparation, you can copy your course into the new semester; the whole process only takes about 10 minutes! […]

Canvas Spotlight

Using Sandboxes

When creating or editing a course, having an unpublished location to test out various tools and settings without fear of altering or deleting content in a live course is beneficial. This location is known as a Sandbox as it is a “playground” for content creation. In addition, Sandboxes can also serve as a backup location […]


When can students see their courses for the semester?

By default, Canvas shells for MSU Denver classes are programmed to open on the Saturday before classes begin. Starting from this date, students can view and interact with published content. As the instructor, you can view and change this date in the Settings menu of each course. In the Course Details tab of the Settings […]


How do I copy a Canvas course?

Please see our Copy a Canvas Course spotlight for step-by-step directions for copying your Canvas course.