
Edit Existing Assignments

Last updated on December 14, 2021

You can easily edit your existing assignments to change the title and instructions, or to adjust settings such as the point value, due date, and accepted submission types. Editing assignments helps keep them up-to-date and lets you add additional resources and examples as you come across them.


  1. Go to MSU Denver’s Faculty and Staff Hub.
  2. Click Canvas in the Teaching & Learning section.
  3. Log in to your Canvas Account.
  4. Select the Course you’d like to work in.
  5. Click Modules on the course navigation menu to the left.
  6. Navigate to the Module where your assignment is located.
  7. Click the Name of the Assignment you want to edit.
  8. Click Edit.
  9. Adjust the Title, Instructions, and Assignment Settings, as desired. The assignment settings include:
    • Points: Set the total number of points the assignment is worth.
    • Assignment Group: Select an assignment group to put the assignment in (visit the “Create a Group Assignment” tutorial for more information).
    • Display Grade As: Choose how to display the grade to students: points, a percentage, or another metric.
    • Submission Type: Choose what types of assignment submissions will be accepted.
    • Submission Attempts: Choose the number of assignment submissions students are allowed to make: unlimited or limited to a certain number.
    • Group Assignment: Decide whether it is a group or individual assignment (refer to the “Create a Group Assignment” tutorial for more information).
    • Peer Review: Choose whether students will peer review each other’s work (visit the “Assign Peer Reviews for Assignments” tutorial for more information).
    • Assign: Set due dates and availability dates (refer to the “Create a Group Assignment,” “Create an Assignment with a Due Date,” and “Create an Assignment with Limited Availability” tutorials for more information).
  10. Click Save.