Canvas Spotlight

Record a Teams Meeting and Share It with Your Students

Microsoft Teams is a great tool for synchronous meetings with your online class. It’s easy to set up a recurring meeting and invite your students, but it’s not always easy for every student to attend every class. This is particularly likely when an in-person class moves online in the event of campus closure, for example […]

Canvas Spotlight

Create a Course Team, Add Students, and Set Up a Recurring Meeting

Teaching online means creating a virtual space for your class. While Canvas fulfills the role of the classroom for asynchronous classes, it doesn’t support synchronous meetings. Microsoft Teams is available to the entire university to meet online, share content, and keep in touch when not in class. Teams has a robust set of features to […]

Communication Lectures Self-Help Tutorials

Change Lobby Settings in MS Teams

The lobby is a completely optional virtual “waiting room,” if you will, in which meeting attendees wait for you to start the meeting and let them in. Though lobbies make an extra step for students joining a Teams meeting, they also add a layer of security by providing the meeting facilitator control over who enters […]

Communication Lectures Videos

Record a Meeting in MS Teams

Recording your meetings in Teams can create a helpful resource for you and your students. Your students can refer back to a lecture when studying for a test, for instance, or an absent student can watch the recording of a class that they weren’t able to attend. Fortunately, recording a meeting in Teams is a […]