What if your favorite restaurant only prepared and served one dish, regardless of the time or occasion? No matter the quality of the dish, the expertise of the chef, or type of cuisine, all parties involved will eventually find themselves disinterested and unengaged from the food. Maybe worse than becoming disinterested in your favorite restaurant […]
Tag: record
Microsoft Teams is a great tool for synchronous meetings with your online class. It’s easy to set up a recurring meeting and invite your students, but it’s not always easy for every student to attend every class. This is particularly likely when an in-person class moves online in the event of campus closure, for example […]
The Roll Call feature in Canvas includes a tool you can use to create seating charts and share them with others. You can use this feature to comply with the Fall 2021 requirement that in-person instructors create and submit seating charts of their class; this is to facilitate contact tracing in the event of COVID-19 […]
When you record a meeting in Teams, that recording is automatically available to all of the members of that team. Unfortunately, Teams does not generate auto-captions for recordings and it does not support embedding them in a Canvas course. Resolving this is simple, but it requires a few extra steps. Uploading the videos to YuJa […]
Record a Meeting in MS Teams
Recording your meetings in Teams can create a helpful resource for you and your students. Your students can refer back to a lecture when studying for a test, for instance, or an absent student can watch the recording of a class that they weren’t able to attend. Fortunately, recording a meeting in Teams is a […]