
How do I write effective captions?

All multimedia resources available in your Canvas course should have closed captions to comply with federal law and accessibility guidelines. Good captions are more than just a direct transcription, they also indicate to the viewer who is speaking, what background noise is present, and other audio cues. For a detailed explanation on what to include, […]

Assignments Group Work/Collaboration Integrated Apps Self-Help Tutorials

Set Up a GoReact Assignment in Canvas

Multimedia assignments can be a great way to test students’ skills and knowledge. Providing them as an option also gives students greater flexibility to engage with your course through a medium they are comfortable and familiar with. GoReact is an excellent tool to facilitate your students’ creation of multimedia. GoReact can be used easily on […]


How do I record my in-person lectures?

If you would like to record your classroom lectures in person, we recommend requesting audio and video technology for your classroom with ITS well ahead of the time you need it. Please note: The CTLD currently does not assist with classroom recording requests.


Use the Canvas Audio/Video Recorder

Students benefit from opportunities to demonstrate mastery of your course’s content in a variety of mediums. Multimedia submissions are a fantastic way to offer learners the means to do this in a dynamic and personalized way. The Canvas Audio/Video Recorder is a tool students can use to record themselves in order to submit an assignment. […]

Canvas Spotlight

Incorporate YuJa Into Your Canvas Course

Like Frankenstein needed electricity to bring his creation alive, we too need to energize our content to bring it to life. No matter how fascinating a subject material is, it’s your unique presence as an instructor and use of multimedia that makes it appealing, relevant, and genuine. As our world continues adjusting to online learning […]

Canvas Spotlight

Record a Teams Meeting and Share It with Your Students

Microsoft Teams is a great tool for synchronous meetings with your online class. It’s easy to set up a recurring meeting and invite your students, but it’s not always easy for every student to attend every class. This is particularly likely when an in-person class moves online in the event of campus closure, for example […]

Canvas Spotlight

Create Presentations Using Multimedia Principles

Every educator’s goal is to hold their students’ attention for as long as possible. This is often challenging, but the learning materials we create can be designed to improve each learner’s focus as well as their ability to recall information later. Well designed presentations are informative, engaging, and minimize the fatigue learner’s can experience. By […]


How can I digitize media for my course?

If you are looking to digitize media (films, television shows, musical recordings, etc.) for use in your course, please contact the ITS Help Desk. ITS provides this service to MSU Denver faculty. Once your media has been digitized and uploaded to your YuJa account by ITS, the CTLD support team can help you add it […]