Assignments Integrated Apps Self-Help Tutorials

Use Turnitin to Check for Plagiarism

Turnitin is a Canvas-integrated software that can review text submissions from students for plagiarism. You can use Turnitin to ensure academic integrity in your course in the same way you may have used Unicheck or SafeAssign. Activating Turnitin is done on a per-assignment basis and is easy to do while creating the assignment. Directions Create […]

Assignments Group Work/Collaboration Integrated Apps Self-Help Tutorials

Set Up a GoReact Assignment in Canvas

Multimedia assignments can be a great way to test students’ skills and knowledge. Providing them as an option also gives students greater flexibility to engage with your course through a medium they are comfortable and familiar with. GoReact is an excellent tool to facilitate your students’ creation of multimedia. GoReact can be used easily on […]

Integrated Apps Quizzes/Tests Self-Help Tutorials

Set Up a ProctorU Exam in Canvas

This tutorial will cover how to set up a ProctorU exam in Canvas, including the browser you will need, the extension for the browser, how to enable ProctorU in Canvas, and how to register the exam. If your unfamiliar with what ProctorU is or want more information before setting it up, please see our Proctor […]

Group Work/Collaboration Integrated Apps Readings/Content Self-Help Tutorials Timely Tutorials

Set Up Hypothesis Documents and Assignments in Canvas

In your course, you may want students to review a document and annotate it to show their understanding and interpretation of the material. This can be done collaboratively in Canvas through the third-party tool, Hypothesis. This tool enables students to review a PDF or web page, leave annotations and comments on it, and view and […]

Canvas Spotlight Integrated Apps Readings/Content Timely Tutorials

Use Hypothesis for Collaborative Annotations on Documents in Canvas

Create documents that you and your students can annotate together Reading is often an essential pedagogical tool to engage, inform, and empower learning for students. The problem is often, how can you get your students to read more? The time has come to consider using social annotation to promote critical thinking, community, and create a […]

Integrated Apps

Apps Connected to Canvas

There are numerous third-party applications connected to Canvas that can be used to enhance your course. The table below details the various apps that are supported and site-licensed by MSUD that you can use. Also included are links to CLTD tutorials that will walk you through the steps to connect them. Publishers that Support Canvas […]

Integrated Apps

Universal Student Access to Pear Deck Tutor

Knowing many students and instructors are new to online learning, MSU Denver has contracted with Pear Deck Tutor (formerly TutorMe) to provide 24/7 virtual tutoring to supplement existing internal academic support available through the Tutoring Center, Writing Center, and Math Tutor Lab. Pear Deck Tutor covers nearly all disciplines and can be accessed through an individual’s Canvas […]

Assignments Group Work/Collaboration Integrated Apps

Use Hypothesis

For the most up to date tutorial on using Hypothesis in your course, please see our Canvas Spotlight Use Hypothesis for Collaborative Annotations on Documents in Canvas.

Assignments Grading Integrated Apps Videos

Use GoReact to Provide Feedback on Videos

GoReact is a tool for providing feedback on videos. Students can record media and receive feedback from their teacher or critique a media piece using time-stamped comments. Consider asking students to act out a scene from literature, record a mini-lesson about the course content, or demonstrate a performance-based skill. This tutorial describes how to integrate […]

Integrated Apps

Use LinkedIn Learning in Your Course

For the most up to date tutorial on using LinkedIn Learning in your course, please see our Canvas Spotlight Incorporate LinkedIn Learning Into Canvas Classes.