All multimedia resources available in your Canvas course should have closed captions to comply with federal law and accessibility guidelines. It is important to create videos that are accessible for all users regardless of ability. Luckily, there is an auto-caption feature built into YuJa that you can enable to have closed captions generated automatically for […]
Tag: captions
How do I write effective captions?
All multimedia resources available in your Canvas course should have closed captions to comply with federal law and accessibility guidelines. Good captions are more than just a direct transcription, they also indicate to the viewer who is speaking, what background noise is present, and other audio cues. For a detailed explanation on what to include, […]
Like Frankenstein needed electricity to bring his creation alive, we too need to energize our content to bring it to life. No matter how fascinating a subject material is, it’s your unique presence as an instructor and use of multimedia that makes it appealing, relevant, and genuine. As our world continues adjusting to online learning […]
Microsoft Teams is a great tool for synchronous meetings with your online class. It’s easy to set up a recurring meeting and invite your students, but it’s not always easy for every student to attend every class. This is particularly likely when an in-person class moves online in the event of campus closure, for example […]
When you record a meeting in Teams, that recording is automatically available to all of the members of that team. Unfortunately, Teams does not generate auto-captions for recordings and it does not support embedding them in a Canvas course. Resolving this is simple, but it requires a few extra steps. Uploading the videos to YuJa […]
Microsoft Teams has the ability to generate live captions of your synchronous meetings or lectures. Follow the directions below to enable them via your mobile device. Directions
Videos uploaded to YuJa receive automatic captions, though it may take a few hours for them to appear after processing. This is an excellent feature which will save you lots of time! However, not all of the captions will be accurate- it’s a computer and cannot know your exact vocab or speech perfectly. Thankfully, editing […]