Canvas Spotlight

Best Practices for Holding Virtual Office Hours

Connect Virtually with Students Outside of Class Time Office hours are key resources for your students to seek additional help and instruction. In-person office hours are a time-tested system, and these benefits carry forward when you provide an equivalent virtual experience. For a small investment of time and effort to set up a virtual office […]

Canvas Spotlight

Prerequisites, Requirements, and Locking in Canvas Modules

Guide student progression in your Canvas course A successful Canvas course typically involves a great deal of content for your students to navigate. Establishing the order in which you wish your students to progress through the course and then defining prerequisites, requirements and timeframes for that progression can help students understand your expectations and stay […]

Canvas Spotlight

Communicate with Students

Send Messages to Students in Canvas Student success in your online course depends on prompt, reliable, and efficient communication with you, their instructor. Fortunately, Canvas gives you an array of messaging tools you can use to keep your students informed and engaged. Understanding these different systems, and the best use-case for each, will help you […]


Can I add students to an MS Team using Canvas roster?

The short answer is no, you can’t add students to a course Team through Canvas. Teams does not have access to your Canvas class and cannot currently populate a Teams course automatically. You will need to add each student individually to your course Team. You typically only need to type the first few letters of […]


How do I set up my Canvas course?

If you’re new to online teaching, or just new to Canvas, it can seem a little daunting trying to set up a new course. CTLD has prepared an assortment of tutorials that will help you through this process. If your department or a colleague has already created the course and has given you permission to […]


Lock a Module Until a Certain Date and Time

In your online course, you may have modules set up for students to progress through sequentially. If you don’t want students to work ahead of your scheduled content, you can lock modules until certain dates, for instance at the start of each week. You could also simply leave all future modules unpublished and publish them […]

Canvas Spotlight

Add Items to Modules

Tools: Modules Modules are the “building blocks” of a Canvas course. Modules help organize a course and ensure that students will access all materials in the desired order. A wide variety of different items can be added to a Module, including pages, discussions, assignments, quizzes, files, headers, and links. Adding different types of items to […]

Integrated Apps

Universal Student Access to Pear Deck Tutor

Knowing many students and instructors are new to online learning, MSU Denver has contracted with Pear Deck Tutor (formerly TutorMe) to provide 24/7 virtual tutoring to supplement existing internal academic support available through the Tutoring Center, Writing Center, and Math Tutor Lab. Pear Deck Tutor covers nearly all disciplines and can be accessed through an individual’s Canvas […]

Blueprint Ready Set Go

Blueprint: Course Information Module Overview

The Course Information module in the new 2021 Master Blueprint Template is built to house important information for a course. This module in your course will allow information in the syllabus to be drastically reduced to increase readability and make the syllabus page more user-friendly for students. One important change to note in the 2021 […]