
Use SpeedGrader Comment Library

If you have comments that you find yourself using repeatedly while grading, you can save those comments in SpeedGrader’s Comment Library instead of retyping the same comment over and over. The SpeedGrader Comment Library enables you to add frequently used comments to an assignment easily. The comment library does have some limitations. When you add […]

Canvas Spotlight

Extra Credit Options in Canvas

Extra credit opportunities can be an excellent strategy for encouraging students to go above and beyond and explore certain areas of a course in more detail. Extra credit can also provide struggling students with chances to correct any misunderstandings related to their course content and potentially increase their overall grades. Canvas allows instructors to customize […]

Canvas Spotlight

Weighted Grading

There are many advantages to using a weighted grading scheme. For example, you don’t need to manipulate points to make your total points work out to a nice even number (like 1000), and you don’t need to shuffle points around when you add, remove, or change an assignment. Also, you can easily ensure that major […]

Grading Timely Tutorials

Drop Low and High Grades

One of the many customizations you can make to Canvas is to set an assignment group to drop either the lowest score or highest score for each student. You can set rules to assignment groups (Assignments, Quizzes, etc.) in Canvas regarding how many low or high grades to drop or which assignments should never be […]

Grading Quizzes/Tests

Grade Classic Quiz by Question in Speedgrader

Note: Grading by question is only available in Classic Quizzes. As of yet, New Quizzes do not have this functionality. When grading quizzes and exams, you may prefer to grade all responses to a single question rather than grade student submissions individually. Grading this way can help you focus on the context of the question […]

New Quizzes

Create Different Types of New Quiz Questions

Canvas provides a multitude of assessment tools that allow for feedback on both the student and instructor end. One of these tools is the New Quizzes function which allows you to create multiple-choice, true/false, and essay questions, among several others. The inclusion of many different question types allows for the demonstration of more nuanced knowledge […]

Canvas Spotlight

Grading in Canvas – How to Set up and Customize Gradebook

Note: This is the fourth section of a four-section Canvas Spotlight on Grading in Canvas. Below is a list of the other sections: Grading in Canvas Identify what you can and cannot grade using Canvas Gradebook Understand how students interact with Gradebook Set up and customize Canvas Gradebook Did you know that depending on your […]

Canvas Spotlight

Grading in Canvas – How Students Interact with Grades in Canvas

Note: This is the third section of a four-section Canvas Spotlight on Grading in Canvas. Below is a list of the other sections: Grading in Canvas Identify what you can and cannot grade using Canvas Gradebook Understand how students interact with Gradebook Set up and customize Canvas Gradebook When communicating with students about your grading […]

Canvas Spotlight

Grading in Canvas – What Can and Cannot Be Graded in the Canvas Gradebook?

Note: This is the second section of a four-section Canvas Spotlight on Grading in Canvas. Below is a list of the other sections: Grading in Canvas Identify what you can and cannot grade using Canvas Gradebook Understand how students interact with Gradebook Set up and customize Canvas Gradebook You may use a variety of methods […]

Canvas Spotlight

Grading in Canvas

Grading Best Practices The Canvas Gradebook is a powerful and helpful tool for both in-person and online courses. It’s also different from what you may be used to if you’ve previously worked with other learning management systems like Blackboard. This Canvas Spotlight explains some of the benefits of using the Canvas Gradebook and provides more […]