Canvas Spotlight

Spotlight Archive

Below is an archive of all of our Canvas Spotlights published in Early Bird. They are ordered by date of publication.

Canvas Spotlight

Audio Annotations

It can be easy to assume that all learners learn the same way; that they have the same abilities and the same access to resources.  Here at MSU Denver, our priority is making sure that the information in our courses is accessible to all learners. Consider, however, that you are a non-sighted learner; how would […]

Canvas Spotlight

Add Readings and Videos to the Course Summary

Tool: Canvas Modules and Pages Items with due dates such as assignments, quizzes, and discussions automatically get added to the Course Summary and student To-Do List once a due date is set, but what about other elements of a course like readings and videos? Marking these items as “to-dos” in the module will add them […]

Canvas Spotlight

Grading in Canvas – How to Set up and Customize Gradebook

Note: This is the fourth section of a four-section Canvas Spotlight on Grading in Canvas. Below is a list of the other sections: Grading in Canvas Identify what you can and cannot grade using Canvas Gradebook Understand how students interact with Gradebook Set up and customize Canvas Gradebook Did you know that depending on your […]

Canvas Spotlight

Grading in Canvas – How Students Interact with Grades in Canvas

Note: This is the third section of a four-section Canvas Spotlight on Grading in Canvas. Below is a list of the other sections: Grading in Canvas Identify what you can and cannot grade using Canvas Gradebook Understand how students interact with Gradebook Set up and customize Canvas Gradebook When communicating with students about your grading […]

Canvas Spotlight

Grading in Canvas

Grading Best Practices The Canvas Gradebook is a powerful and helpful tool for both in-person and online courses. It’s also different from what you may be used to if you’ve previously worked with other learning management systems like Blackboard. This Canvas Spotlight explains some of the benefits of using the Canvas Gradebook and provides more […]