Communication - Mobile

Set up a Course Team using the Teams Mobile App

Last updated on May 17, 2024

Microsoft Teams is a tool that allows you to start and conduct video conferences with your students. This can be a helpful way to share important information with all of your students or to conduct 1-to-1 meetings with specific individuals. Teams even has a screen-sharing feature that would be useful when trying to support your students and answer any questions they may have about navigating course content.


  1. Open the Microsoft Teams App.
  2. Navigate to the Menu Bar on the bottom of your screen.
  3. Select Teams.
  4. Select the + Icon in the top right-hand corner.
  5. Select Create a Team.
  6. Select Class from the list of templates.
  7. Type the Course Name in the Team Name text area.
  8. Type a description of the course in the Description (optional) text area.
  9. Click Done. The Add People to Course Name screen will appear.
  10. Search for a Student in the Add Students text area by typing a name or email based on your course roster. Teams will have all MSU Denver student emails in its database.
  11. Click a Student’s Name when it appears in the drop-down list. This action adds the student to the Add Students area. 
  12. Add More Students individually by following steps 10 and 11.
  13. Click the Done button to add all of the students you have selected to the class team. 
  14. Your team has been created!

Note: To add additional students after a team has been created, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the Teams Overview Page (where all teams are listed).
  2. Select the More Options Menu (three dots) to the right of the specific team to access more options.
  3. Select Manage Members.
  4. Select the People + Icon in the top right-hand corner (it looks like an outline of a person with a plus sign).
  5. Repeat Steps 10 & 11 above to add additional members.
  6. Click the Done button to add all of the students you have selected to the class team.