Canvas Spotlight Timely Tutorials

Share Content With Other Instructors

Building a full course from scratch can be quite an undertaking in terms of both time and effort. Converting Open Education Resources (OER), building pages, and writing quizzes and assignments are an investment in time and resources that may compete with other priorities (such as interacting with your students). This can be a lot to […]

Canvas Spotlight Timely Tutorials

Update Your Course for the New Term

As an instructor preparing your course for a new term, you may find yourself balancing several different tasks at once. Even with existing course content from a previous term, you will still need to customize and make changes to content, due dates, and in some cases, technology, to keep your course relevant for a new […]

Assignments Timely Tutorials

Adjust Due Dates for All Assignments

If you need to update or adjust assignment dates in course content that you’ve copied from a previous term or another instructor, Canvas has a tool, Edit Assignment Dates, that enables you to adjust all assignment due dates from one location. Once you edit your assignment dates on this page, your syllabus, assignments, and gradebook […]

Canvas Spotlight Timely Tutorials

Finalize Your Course for End of Semester

The end of the semester can be a time of both stress and relief. With looming deadlines followed by the satisfaction of another course reaching a successful end, there’s a lot to think about. While things can move fast, there are important steps to take to make sure you and your students end the course […]

FAQ Timely Tutorials

How do I submit final grades?

At the end of each semester, you will need to formally submit the final grade each student in your class earned, for each class you taught. The gradebook in Canvas is an effective tool for tracking student grades, but once the class has concluded, you will need to enter that data into Banner, the data-management […]

Group Work/Collaboration Integrated Apps Readings/Content Self-Help Tutorials Timely Tutorials

Set Up Hypothesis Documents and Assignments in Canvas

In your course, you may want students to review a document and annotate it to show their understanding and interpretation of the material. This can be done collaboratively in Canvas through the third-party tool, Hypothesis. This tool enables students to review a PDF or web page, leave annotations and comments on it, and view and […]

Canvas Spotlight Integrated Apps Readings/Content Timely Tutorials

Use Hypothesis for Collaborative Annotations on Documents in Canvas

Create documents that you and your students can annotate together Reading is often an essential pedagogical tool to engage, inform, and empower learning for students. The problem is often, how can you get your students to read more? The time has come to consider using social annotation to promote critical thinking, community, and create a […]

Grading Timely Tutorials

Drop Low and High Grades

One of the many customizations you can make to Canvas is to set an assignment group to drop either the lowest score or highest score for each student. You can set rules to assignment groups (Assignments, Quizzes, etc.) in Canvas regarding how many low or high grades to drop or which assignments should never be […]

Grading Timely Tutorials

Set a Late or Missing Assignment Policy for Grades in Canvas

Every instructor addresses late student submissions differently. You can use Canvas’ Gradebook to set your preferred late policy that applies to every student and every assignment in your course. You can also set Gradebook to assign a zero grade to assignments that are not submitted. Directions

Grading Timely Tutorials

Open Access for Individual Student to Finalize Incomplete Grade

Working with a student who has an incomplete grade in a Canvas course creates some complications. By default, Canvas will make the course inaccessible to students at the scheduled end of the semester. If you have a student with an incomplete, you can set the course to allow students to access it even after the […]