Communication - Mobile

Install the Microsoft Teams Mobile App

To use MS Teams for your course on your mobile device, you will need to install the mobile app. Directions to do so are provided below. Directions click to view in fullscreen Click one of the Links Below to install the correct app: Apple App Store: Google Play…

Communication - Mobile

Set up a Course Team using the Teams Mobile App

…when trying to support your students and answer any questions they may have about navigating course content. Directions click to view in fullscreen Open the Microsoft Teams App. Navigate to the Menu Bar on the bottom of your screen. Select Teams. Select the + Icon in the top right-hand…

Canvas Tools Communication

Create an Announcement in Canvas

…always be kept up-to-date if you use this important tool. Directions click to view in fullscreen Go to MSU Denver’s Faculty and Staff Hub. Click Canvas in the Teaching & Learning section. Log in to your Canvas Account. Select the Course you’d like to work in. Click Announcements on…

Canvas Tools Communication

Edit Existing Announcements

Course Announcements provide a useful way to inform or remind students about course logistics and activities. You can make edits to existing announcements, even after they have been published, to make clarifications or changes. This ensures the most accurate information is available to your students. Directions click to view…

Canvas Tools

Use the Calendar in Canvas

The Calendar feature in Canvas is a great way to view meetings, events, and assignments for every class, all at once. It also allows you to easily move, edit, or add events and assignments from a central location. Directions click to view in fullscreen Go to MSU Denver’s Faculty…


Use Appointment Groups to Host Virtual Office Hours

…for student’s to sign up for appointments with you during a set time. Directions click to view in fullscreen Go to MSU Denver’s Faculty and Staff Hub. Click Canvas in the Teaching & Learning section. Log in to your Canvas Account. Click Calendar on the global navigation bar to…

Canvas Tools Communication

Canvas Messages

You will likely need to be in contact with your students throughout a course. To help facilitate this, Canvas has included a native messaging system that allows you to contact individuals or whole courses within Canvas. This messaging system functions much the same as your MSU Denver email. Directions…


Add Prerequisites & Requirements to Modules

…could set a prerequisite in Module 2 so that it only unlocks after those two requirements have been fulfilled. Directions: click to view in fullscreen Go to MSU Denver’s Faculty and Staff Hub. Click Canvas in the Teaching & Learning section. Log in to your Canvas account. Select the course you’d like to work in. Click Modules from the course…


Set up a “Course Team” in Teams

…when trying to support your students and answer any questions they may have about navigating course content. Directions click to view in fullscreen Open the Microsoft Teams app from your computer. Select the Teams tab on the left side of the screen to open the Teams area. Click the Join or Create a Team button (which my be in the…

Communication Lectures

Start a Meeting with Students in Microsoft Teams

…how to use several features of Teams to make the most of your experience (refer to the Lectures section and the Videos section for more tutorials). The steps below will help you with the simplest way to get started in Microsoft Teams. Directions click to view in fullscreen Launch…