Canvas Spotlight

Incorporate Accessible Principles in Your Courses

…and make great progress in your course, but some others may wilt under the same circumstances. As an educator, you want your students to thrive as much as any gardener does their plants. Removing barriers for your students to grow is the guiding principle behind accessibility and designing accessible courses….

Canvas Spotlight

Vary Feedback Methods in Canvas

…Audio-only feedback or video feedback that isn’t captioned are examples of inaccessible feedback. This is why we do not recommend using tools like the audio feedback option in SpeedGrader or the Canvas audio/video recorder. Accessible feedback, in comparison, ensures all feedback is equivalent between students. For more information on this,…

Canvas Spotlight

Canvas Spotlight: Create High-Quality Course Videos

…use this? Using the advanced techniques outlined in this spotlight helps manage cognitive load. Your materials will be much more digestible when using these multimedia principles because they will be presented in simple chunks that ultimately encourage student engagement and content retention. These multimedia principles make for a more accessible

Canvas Spotlight

Create Presentations Using Multimedia Principles

…fatigue learner’s can experience. By integrating a few tried-and-tested principles in your multimedia presentations, they will be easier to create and more rewarding for your audience. Best Practices Use Dual-Channel Encoding to Reinforce Material Often, humans process information through two different cognitive pathways or channels, verbal and visual. Engaging…

Canvas Spotlight Course Showcase

Instructional Media Spotlight

…minutes in length while maintaining relevant content. In the animated GIF above, Puta discusses other important music terms from the on-screen graphic using a variety of hand gestures demonstrating the Embodiment Principle. Multimedia Principles Used by the CTLD The following is a list of all the multimedia principles and their…

Canvas Spotlight Course Showcase

Course Showcase – Principles of Chemistry

…show how to use the necessary equipment. Lecturer Woolman’s videos explain how to complete key calculations. Her detailed videos use narration and visuals to help all learners succeed. She uses audio annotation, accurate closed captions, strong color contrast, and other best practices for accessible media. In another example of cross-course…

Canvas Spotlight Course Showcase

Course Showcase – SED 4100 – Including Students with Significant Support Needs

Incorporating UDL Principles At MSU Denver, we prioritize providing positive classroom experiences to all students. MSU Denver offers a variety of supports to help us create course materials that are accessible, such as content that can be ready by screen readers and videos that include closed captions. In addition to…

Canvas Spotlight

Canvas Spotlight: Canvas Mobile App

…strongly recommended to review the CTLD Spotlight on Accessible Principles and build your courses according to them. Here are a few practices that will make your course more accessible to students using the Canvas Student App: Use a minimum of 18pt font on any PowerPoint presentation to ensure students can…

Canvas Spotlight

Incorporate YuJa Into Your Canvas Course

…your presentation accessible, and timing your presentation are all invaluable strategies to utilize in your YuJa videos. After reviewing our Spotlight on Multimedia Principles, see the following tutorials to effectively integrate your presentations with YuJa. Besides your video lectures, some thoughtful places to add YuJa videos in your course are…

Canvas Spotlight

MSU Denver Canvas Blueprint

…can use for adding course content in a way that facilitates learning by using andragogical principles. Some of these principles include priming, chunking, and alignment, which we’ll cover in greater depth later in this Spotlight. The Blueprint also contains a Policies and Resources Module. This module contains a great deal…