The Blueprint sample module was designed to provide a foundation or organizational structure to customize and use in your course, if you wish. You can edit the Blueprint sample module provided in your new course shell with your own course content to make navigation easy for your students. The sample module includes templates for the […]
Tag: course-content
Voiceover PowerPoints
Tools: Yuja and PowerPoint PowerPoint has the potential to be a powerful instructional tool for conveying information and teaching content. However, PowerPoints that live on their own without any context are less useful for learning. PowerPoints are most useful as a supplementary tool alongside input and context from the instructor. It would be tough to […]
Convert an HTML File to a Page
When a course is imported from Blackboard to Canvas, the content is formatted as HTML files. Converting these HTML files to Canvas Pages increases the functionality and visual appeal of the content. For example, unlike an HTML file, a Page can easily be edited from within Canvas (no downloading and re-uploading necessary), and your content […]
Edit an Existing Page in Canvas
You can always go back and edit a Page that was created in Canvas. This is especially helpful if you plan on making the most of the Sample module that is provided in your shell but is also good for updating information or correcting errors throughout the course Pages. Directions Go to MSU Denver’s Faculty and Staff […]
Pages in Canvas create a visually dynamic and editable place to present your lectures, videos, and content. If you currently have documents to direct students on what to do within your course, consider creating a page instead. Pages within Canvas are an ideal solution to presenting information for students to view. Pages can be easily […]
Link YouTube Videos via YuJa
You are able to use YuJa to create embed codes and direct links to insert YouTube videos into your Canvas course. Embedding a video from Yuja places the video directly into the page or assignment, which students can watch without leaving the Canvas course. It should be noted, however, that utilizing YuJa to link YouTube […]
Download Your YuJa Videos
There are times when you may want to download a video file of a recording you have made in YuJa, and thankfully, YuJa has made that a pretty easy process. Directions Go to Click the button that reads Open in New Tab to be taken to the MSU YuJa sign-on-page. Log in to Yuja using the MSU SSO (single sign-on) option […]
Add Content to Modules
Modules are an excellent way to organize your online course. After you have created a Module, you can add content, such as assignments, pages, discussions, quizzes, files, and resources from external tools, to the Module. Consider whether you want to create modules based on week, unit, theme, or some other method. Note: Follow the steps below […]
Use Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive may be the least obvious solution but can be effective in providing your students with the materials they need to complete group activities. Due to its “shared” nature, your students can easily collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, or presentations within OneDrive. Directions Create a Shared Folder for Students to Access Go to Faculty and Staff […]
Embed Videos from YuJa
Sometimes the best way to reach your students is with a video from you, their instructor. You can easily embed videos from YuJa anywhere the Rich Content Editor box and toolbar appears in Canvas. There are two ways to approach the embedding of a YuJa video. One begins within YuJa and the other stays entirely […]